Use Belarc to implement Zero Trust with the most automated, accurate and complete Asset and User data.
Use Belarc to implement Zero Trust with the most automated, accurate and complete Asset and User data.

Zero Trust
To implement a zero trust architecture, the cybersecurity system needs to have detailed configuration details on the User requesting access to resources; the Asset that the User is using; and a History of the User and Asset so that irregular patterns can be detected.
Belarc's BelManage system is an excellent way for cybersecurity systems to access up to date Asset, User and History details that are required to implement Zero Trust architecture. BelManage can offer security systems access to the following:
- Configuration details of all Assets and Users.
- User and Asset change history.
- Applications normally used by the User, including SaaS applications.
- Rapid response via database lookup.
BelManage is used to identify the User, Asset and History as follows:
- BelManage data includes all WFH, remote endpoints, cloud based assets, virtual machines, on-premises and guest machines.
- BelManage can be run on-premises or offered as SaaS.
- Applications normally used by the User, including SaaS applications.
- The BelManage system response is very rapid because the user, asset and history details are already available in the BelManage database. This information does not need to be discovered on demand. Updates can be scheduled as frequently as every fifteen (15) minutes.
For details, please download our paper "Belarc & Zero Trust"